If you are jumping into the field of mobile app development, I am sure that you will know about Android and iOS.
Today I am going to talk about how to learn “iOS and Android App Development”? So let’s start with the basic requirements and knowledge that are required to start app development.
We are starting from Android.
It is a mobile operating system based on Linux kernel and other open-source software. Android was introduced in 2008 and today more than a billion users are using Android devices. And every user needs apps for Education, Businesses, Entertainment, Security, etc.
For Learning Android Development We must know the following points.
Software for Android app Development:
For Android app development, there are many tools and frameworks that are available. We are going to discuss some famous Software and tools for android app development.
Android Studio:
Android Studio is the official IDE for the Android operating system, developed by Google and JetBrains, and supports Java, Kotlin, C ++.
Android Studio includes all the APIs that the app is built on. Android Studio has an emulator to test your app at development time.
For Installing Android Studio visit the official site for detailed documentation.
Apache Cordova:
Apache Cordova is a mobile application development framework created by Nitobi. It was also known as PhoneGap.
We are going to teach you the flutter framework for creating mobile applications.
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